About me

The usual essay

I am HIDEN/Emily (pronouns are she/they); I'm a massive technology + history + music nerd, and a classical liberal/libertarian (whatever you call it) politically. I live in the south-central US (specifically, Arkansas), I'm 16, and am taken by the most amazing person in the world (I love you so much, Halen <3).

I'm also a huge advocate for right-to-repair and the free software movement.

I have GAD and Autism, and likely ADHD and OCD too.

As a side note, if you (used to) know someone named epictaco/EpicTaco404... that's me!


There's a LOT of them.

Technology, rock/metal/and a lot of other music, history (including alternate history), video and audio production, humor, data hoarding archival, the EAS, WebTV/MSN TV, console modding (especially the Wii and Xbox 360), old consoles in general, amateur radio, retro/vintage stuff, and gaming.


Human: English (native), German (somewhat fluent reader, not great at speaking), Spanish (basic), Swedish (basic)

Programming: HTML, CSS, Python, C#, JavaScript, C++, C, PowerShell (sadly), Java, PHP

Favorite games

Team Fortress 2, OneShot, Minecraft, Garry's Mod, Counter-Strike 1.6, most DOOM games, all Half-Life games, PC Building Simulator, People Playground, Game Dev Tycoon, Worldbox, Unreal Tornument 99 and 2004, and BeamNG.drive.

Things I do

I maintain a couple of projects... including the site you're visiting right now, obviously :P.

I also sometimes make YouTube videos. The topics of said videos are rather grab-bag, but mainly it's tech and gaming. It can be found at the social accounts page, which is linked on the sidebar.