Behold! The encryptioninator!

Apologies about the down-time. I was doing a little encryptification-ination. Basically, I had to reinstall the OS on all Linux VMs on my server because I didn't feel like going through the hell that is retroactively setting up LVM to set up LUKS. So yeah, LUKS and Bitlocker are re-enabled on all VMs. I wrote the decryption keys down somewhere this time, so what happened months ago won't happen again, I promise! For the SRCDS VM, it now uses VBS+HVCI for more even more sehcorities. Also, I fully switched from Windows to Linux on my daily driver... with some speed bumps of course (because fuck you NVIDIA). TLDR: Server VMs are now encrypted and the Windows one now uses VBS+HVCI for sehcorities improvements, I switched to Linux on my daily driver.

Posted on January 29, 2023


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